Anthology of Interest

So …

Muse:  You stole that post title from Futurama.

You know what they say:  if you are going to steal, steal from the best.

I think I have said before, I am a member of a couple of writing groups.  About a year ago, one of those writer groups decided that we would put together an anthology of stories set in the local area (Northeastern Arizona) with the idea that we would be appealing to our local readership, for issues, themes, and locations that would be instantly relatable.

So now, a year later, we’re to the point where the “final” drafts of the stories are due in–were due to our format volunteer yesterday–and we are about ready to proceed with this.  It’s been an interesting journey.

I volunteered to critique each member’s submission and provide feedback.  (I still have one kicking around to be reviewed.)  The stories are varied, in length, genre, and execution–and this in turn, gave me a lot of insight into the members of the writers’ group and what they are really about.

No, I am not going chapter and verse about how this one is better than this one, or this member is more capable than that member.  First of all, at least two of them read this blog and I have no interest in insulting anyone.  They are all good people.  But more than that, not everyone has the same tastes.  The slice-of-life stories that have little interest for me may appeal to others.

What this did though (meaning, reading all the stories set within twenty miles of my house) did bring home to me is that I am about to put my name to something local, to something that people who know me may associate with me.  In one story, I take a tangential pot-shot at local government.  Will they be upset?  Will they even notice?  Hard to say how people react.  Same for local friends.  Might they read it and be offended?

Muse:  Were you offensive?  Scratch that, I already know the answer.

Well, one story features cannibals and the hint of sexual assault.  The other paints the forestry service in a less-than-flattering light and is pro-tax-evasion.  Both have some swearing, which my more religious friend will love.

Muse:  Yeah, you’re asking for trouble.

But aren’t I always?

I dithered about including some of those elements.  I wondered about the local reaction.  But frankly, by the end, I said, “Hell with it,” and left the elements in.  Some local readers might be offended.  Hell, some of the other anthology authors might be offended.

But I gotta be me.  Sadly, I was too much me.

Muse:  You procrastinated?

Bingo.  The due date was yesterday and I have yet to get my stuff turned in, since my copy of Word decided to puke and efforts to reinstall on my laptop have proved fruitless … so I haven’t been able to do my final formatting edits.  I’ll get it worked out.

I still owe my discussion on the Tucson Festival of Books.  Damn, I am six weeks behind.  Yeah, that’ll be pertinent at this late date.


Old Story, Old Posting

I don’t know how I missed this.

A while back–like four months ago–I had a story posted up at the wargaming site  Titled, “Just When I Thought I Was Out,” the story involves an aged magician’s gambit against some dark forces working against him.  I knew about this but for some reason, never got around to posting about it.

Anyway, link is here.

(Muse:  What does this story have to do with wargaming?)

Well, Sun Tzu wrote, “The general who wins the battle makes many calculations in his temple before the battle is fought.”  The main character exhibits the same strategic planning.  Planning for the long game = win.

Anyway, go check it out for a free read.  And if you like, maybe check out my book Pilgrimage to Skara for Kindle.

Success Comes in Twos

I am happy to report that a story of mine, A Drop of Espionage, was picked up by Stupefying Stories, to be published at a later date.  Happy dance ensues.

I also sold a story called Feast of the Disgruntled to Wolfsinger Publications.  That story will be in their anthology Misunderstood, which should be out soon.

I will post up links as soon as they are available.

Early Christmas presents?  Maybe but I will take ’em!

“State of Horror: Lousiana, Vol II” Out and About!

So, as I mentioned at the beginning of the month, I had a story coming out in the themed anthology, the aptly named State of Horror: Louisiana.  It is out now on Amazon (paperback, with Kindle hopefully to follow), Barnes and Noble, and the iStore.

The King of Belmer was one of my first attempts at something Cthulu-esque, and the published version is a second version.  I think it came out better than the first attempt … but y’all can decide for yourself.

Edit:  Amazon Kindle version is up now as well.

“The King of Belmer” due out soon

Some time ago (okay, I looked, the post was here, and yes, because I have not reformatted that far back, it still looks like ass), I had a story called The King of Belmer released in a small-press series titled State Of Horror.  The idea was a series of anthologies, each of which centered on the horrific tales set in a single state.  I wrote King as an homage to Cthulu, as it were, and set it deep in the bayous of Louisiana.

Well, the imprint eventually went nowhere but the whole line was acquired by Charon Coin Press and is getting some fresh life.  According to my sources, State of Horror: Louisiana Vol I and II should be released soon, hopefully within the next month.  Since I was part of the original release, I was invited back and King will get new life as part of Vol II.

I tinkered with the story and think it is better now.  The protagonist and antagonist both have better dimension and it resolves a little more cleanly.  In any event, I am excited to see it in print, and I will let y’all know when it’s out.

And please check out some of CCP’s other offerings.  Right now, they have a nifty series of interviews up on their front page, all featuring women horror authors, and they have some more “states” upcoming in the anthology series.  As someone who likes a good creepy moment, all I can say as I am on board!

“Home” On Everyday Fiction on 6 Dec

Pleased to announce my story, Home will be posted on the website Everyday Fiction on 6 December, which is this coming Saturday.

Everyday Fiction is one of those sites we ought to all be signed up for.  Like Daily Science Fiction, Everyday Fiction will put a flash story in your inbox each day of the week, and their stories cut across all genres.  Check it out, most especially on Saturday, please.

Home is a story I shopped for a long while and went through five versions before one found its way to a buyer.  As always, feedback is welcome.

“You Can’t Beat The Metal” out on Amazon now

Brief, announcement.  My story, You Can’t Beat the Metal, is out now on Amazon in the werewolf compilation, Luna’s Children:  Stranger Worlds.  The volume contains a wide variety of werewolf stories.  Mine is set just after World War I and has a little steampunk-ish influence on it.

There is a companion book called, Luna’s Children: Full Moon Mayhem that I have not yet read.  Hopefully, it will be good too.

Anyway, check them out.

Forgive Me

My story, Forgive Me, is out in Volume 4 of the Canadian horror magazine Postscripts to Darkness.  PSTD is a small-press anthology series with a bunch of good stories, so check it out.  My story is flash-length, with a mother being forced into an awful decision.  I was suitably happy with the story but not really creeped out–until I saw the illustration they threw up to go along with it.  I can barely look at it now without shuddering.

You can order copies here, and according to their page, they are putting out e-versions soon.  I hope so, ’cause they really need a shopping cart interface on their page.  Anyone interested, I recommend you just contact them.

Anyway, another story in print.


I am pleased as punch to announce that my short story, You Can’t Beat the Metal, will appear in the anthology Luna’s Children, a volume of all werewolf tales.  It’s being put out by Dark Oak Press, with publication in four to six months.

I’m doubly tickled to note only have sold a story but again blessed with the chance to help a small market.  After all, every sale I can encourage keeps the little guys on the up and up!

Details forthcoming once I have a firm release date.  Cheers!

EDIT:  A moment ago, I received a form rejection.  So acceptance and rejection within twelve hours of each other.  Shrug, can’t win ’em all.